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About Us

The GNOPSC Harbor Safety Committee has been active in southern Louisiana for over 40 years with a mission to promote safety and security in the navigable waterways of our state and the Gulf of Mexico. In collaboration between local industry leaders and the United States Coast Guard Sector New Orleans, the HSC is a public forum for identifying, assessing, and addressing navigational safety and security concerns throughout the USCG Captain of the Port area, which encompasses the Lower Mississippi River, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Inner Harbor Navigational Canal, Port Allen Route, Atchafalaya River, Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, and Tiger Pass. 

Our membership includes representatives from all areas of maritime operations and services as well as local, state, and Federal Government partners. We work together to share ideas and solutions, evaluate concerns about the local industry, and get to know each other and the parts we all play in maintaining a safe waterway system together.  Participation is open to all interested stakeholders.



Matt Lagarde, Ingram Barge Co.
HSC Chairman
Mario Munoz, Turn Services
HSC Vice Chair
Ronald Branch, Louisiana Maritime Association 
Mark Wright, American Waterways Operators
Christine Titus, Louisiana Maritime Association 
Marc Hebert, Jones Walker LLP


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